A new home (away from home away from home)

Hello again from Dundee, the city of
Jam, Jute, and Journalism. I recently started a residency at
Abertay University, where I am now the New Media Artist in the amazing new

It's a fantastic place, a huge area that used to be the heavy engineering department which is now dedicated to digital media in all it's forms...there are recording studios, media production suites, and creative professionals, all sharing space with students studying video game production, sound, video, you name it. It's a great atmosphere, and I get a workspace amidst it all.

Over the next nine months or so I hope to spend about three days a week here, where I will be developing some of the artistic projects I haven't had time for recently. These include some video work, some music, some game-based-art, some mechanical noise making devices, and so on. And I'll be blogging about it as much as possible!