Chasing Geese

Here's a track I made the other day...I took a recording of "Wild Goose Chase" played by the incredible fiddler
Clyde Davenport and edited two little sections out.
I then imported those samples into
Ableton and layered them all together, using
follow actions to randomize the way they were layered and played back. This created a sort of
Steve Reich phasing effect, except with the added fun of randomness.
The Amazing Rolo - Goose Chasing
Gol show at the Filmhouse

I'll be playing some music tomorrow night at the
Filmhouse in Edinburgh. My friends Pete Vilk and Roxana Pope have included me in their Gol project, so I'll be playing some keyboards and doing plenty of live sampling, Max/MSP trickery, and general sonic mayhem! We've been rehearsing a lot lately and it sounds great, a mix of electronic, acoustic, Iranian traditional music, improvisation, and heavy beats. The show is part of the
Edinburgh Iranian Festival, which features great films, music, art, and a really nice logo.
We've got some more shows coming up, including one very special one that all of you in the internets will be able to watch, so check back soon for more details.
In the mean time, I'll be headed to London on Monday, for a
very exciting interview! Who ever said I was "French-born"? I often find that people assume that your
citizenship is the same as your