The Amazing Rolo's old blog (the new one is at
Rolo + Groanbox in the press
Today's issue of The Independent features not one but
two articles that mention me! I'm very proud.
The first is about Wii development, and discusses the
Loop Machine at length.
The second is about
The Groanbox Boys, otherwise known as my brother Cory's band. I co-produced their first two albums, and we're planning on doing a third at the end of the month. If you're in the UK you should catch one of their shows this month, they're incredible!
Loop Machinen dra til Bergen!

I'm writing this from Bergen, Norway, where I'm an invited speaker at the
Bergen Interactive Music Conference. I'll be giving a talk and demonstration of the Loop Machine on Wednesday morning. If you're in the neighborhood I would love to hear from you!
I've heard some amazing stuff and met some really interesting people already, so I'll write another post about some of that in the near future!
This is the old Amazing Rolo blog! Please visit for the new Amazing Rolo blog, along with tons of other cool stuff, including videos, Wii music software, music, and much much more.