The Amazing Rolo's old blog (the new one is at

I've just updated my
Movies page so that the videos now use
Vimeo. This means they load nice and fast in a fancy little player, and should never cause any problems ever again. That being said, let me know if you have any problems.
Thank you very much to everyone who came to the show on Sunday, it was loads of fun and we'll have to do it again some time. Eventually I hope to put some video and audio from that show up on this website, I'll keep you posted.
A few wii projects

No music this time, but here are a couple of other things for you.
As I mentioned earlier, one of my current school projects entails making "Loop Composer" software that uses a Nintendo Wii wireless controller as an interface.
I've finished a very early prototype, which you can play with if you happen to have Max/MSP, a Wii controller, and a bluetooth enabled computer.
Click here to download the Max patch, directions, and a pdf of a short presentation I will be giving on thursday. If anyone does test it I would be grateful for feedback. Right now it is quite skeletal with very few features, but it responds well enough and I'll be using it at my show tomorrow night.
[edit: this version is no longer supported! go download the new, much fancier version]Which reminds me, I'm playing a show with a lot of friends tomorrow night at 8pm in the Forest Cafe here in Edinburgh. It's free and it should be a good time!

Last week I wrote a film sound analysis about silent Soviet film of the 20's.
Read it here! It's called "The Sound of War in Silent Soviet Film" and talks mostly about
The Battleship Potemkin and
The End of St. Petersburg.
One of the scenes (from "The End of St. Petersburg) I talk about can be
watched on youtube.
For some reason the other scene (from "The Battleship Potemkin") won't upload to youtube, but the
full film is available for free download at
This is the old Amazing Rolo blog! Please visit for the new Amazing Rolo blog, along with tons of other cool stuff, including videos, Wii music software, music, and much much more.