Five More Minutes

Here's my latest song, right on the heels of my last post. I recorded the guitar part at the farm in Maryland, and added the rest over the past few weeks.
The Amazing Rolo - Five More Minutes
Rolling and tumbling

Hello there, I'm back!
First things first, my brother now has his own website, with songs to listen to and news to read:
coryseznec.comAlso, I now have a nice camera and a
flickr account where I have been posting my favorite pictures. The 5 newest pictures will come up automatically over on the left of this page. Nifty!
I'm working on all sorts of projects right now, including learning Max/MSP. If you are interested you can see my first patch, which is a slightly souped-up soundfile player,
click to download and play around. The player requires Mac OS X and
Max/MSP Runtime (which is free). My next project will hopefully be a fun music jam machine using a Nintendo Wii controller.

And finally, to leave you with some music, here's a song I recorded recently, based on an Alan Lomax recording of a guitarist named Rose Hemphill.
The Amazing Rolo - Rolled and Tumbled