Groanbox Remix #2

I just got an email from my brother Cory saying that his group
The Groanbox Boys now have their mp3's (ahem...that I engineered and co-produced...) up on
In celebration, we created a
new page for the three Groanbox Boys remix tracks I recently did, one of which I've already released on this blog. Here's another one for you podcast subscribers:
The Groanbox Boys - Wham Bam (Rolo Remix)
The Train of Thought Drag

Just before I left for Edinburgh I made some recordings on the piano at my parent's house. This is a song I had been working on for a few weeks. Very old fashioned (in a good way, I hope).
The Amazing Rolo - The Train of Thought Drag
Louis Armstrong remix

The other night I was listening to some early Louis Armstrong recordings...the old
Hot Five and Hot Seven stuff is completely amazing.
The song "Oriental Strut" caught my ear and I absolutely had to remix it right then and there:
The Amazing Rolo - The Oh Be Gentle Strut(I also put in some samples from Alban Berg's
In other news, I'm now in Edinburgh. So far I love it, I think I will be very happy here! I should be posting lots of projects here, so check back often.