Rolo Returns.

I'm back at home for thanksgiving, so things will be quiet for a few days. In the mean time you can listen to a new Amazing Rolo song! It's a big medley of different styles that I started in March and have been working on sporadically ever since.
I posted it to em411, and it surprised me by generating a lot of positive (and sometimes odd) feedback. You can read the discussion
here. They seem to particularly like the French rapping and the silly picture of me.
You can listen to the song by clicking
this link or by clicking "listen" on the em411 page linked above.
It never stops, does it? More and more and more yannmusic to download.
Well, in this case it's coryandyannmusic. I've made a page for old Seznec Brothers stuff.
Click here to check it out.
One of the problems that Cory and I have had is that we have recorded so many different styles of music, and in concert we play something completely different altogether. So this new page is an attempt to show a bit of everything we do.
Hire me! Sign me!

I have posted my
portfolio online. It's not really internet-friendly yet - lots of big files and images - but I'll take care of all of that later.
I've also updated the
Seznec Brothers website with another song from the new album! I'm quite proud of it, I must say.
That's all for now. I'm off to the library!
Handface Episode 1

The past few days have been spent working on the Seznec Brothers recordings, which are turning out well, a little bit of Rolo music, and my Handface documentary.
For those of you who don't know, Handface is my band. Well, I suppose it
was, since the drummer is now off in Chile for six months.
In any event, a few months ago I realized that the Handface story is compelling, funny, and in a way is an analogy for (among other thing) Pittsburgh, Carnegie Mellon, techies vs luddites, America vs TheRestOfTheWorld, etc etc etc
So I decided to make a documentary that would show all of these things. I finally settled on making a series of short audio-only pieces that would then be animated by my friends (and me).
Handface was composed of three people, who I will call Alberto, Jon, and Yann. Handface theorists often point out that Alberto represents the acoustic, Jon the electronic, and Yann (me) the electro-acoustic...therefore I figured that a good way to start the project would be by making short vignettes about each of the three members that somehow epitomize their characters.
All this is to say that I have finished the outline of chapter one, and you can listen to it here:
A Story About TechnoI would strongly suggest listening to it on headphones or real speakers. Laptop speakers won't cut it for this one...
This episode is about Jon. He wrote the story, which can be found on his
blog. When I read it I was struck by the stark imagery and poetic quality of the text - I found it reflected his personality quite well. I wrote the music, which is a remix of a Handface song.
It looks like my friend Aurelia will be helping me with the animation for this episode. I will probably add a lot to the soundtrack once the animation is finished, but I thought you all would be interested! Questions, comments, and suggestions are always welcome.
The bros dot com

Finally! My brother and I have a website for our music!
www.seznecbros.comGo check it out! There's some new music on there.
The past few days have been spent working on the rest of the tracks that we recorded in October, so check back soon for more Seznec Brothers music.
Project #1.

I've more or less finished my first's a short music video featuring my little baby niece. Let me know if you would like to see it - just leave a comment or email me (rolo at